Exterminator Services

Exterminator Services

Are you in the local Broken Arrow area and in need of a pest control provider? EnviroTech offer exterminator services with No Contract, ZERO, NONE! We don’t hold you down and tie you up for the next year with our pest services. You are free to use whomever you feel best about using.

Now why would we do pest control with no contract? Well, let’s just say that we believe in freedom of choice and if were doing a good job then why would you use anybody else! Besides, nobody likes being locked down with a contract. What if the exterminator services are not good? What if you don’t like the service or the person doing the service? What if you’re pest problems don’t go away? Well, those are the questions I’d ask if I was signing up for services under a contract.

With NO CONTRACT you get to try and have less invested. Our goal though is to make a believer out of you and be you’re exterminator for many years to come.

Current EnviroTech Exterminating specials include $25.00 OFF an Initial Pest Control Service and up too $100.00 OFF a Termite Treatment. A termite spot treatment does not count as part of this special.  For more details visit exterminator services and see what we can do for you.

EnviroTech Exterminating Broken Arrow, Oklahoma Got Pests? Call (918) 282-7621

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