Broken Arrow Pest Control

Broken Arrow Pest Control

With fall soon to be here one of the many pests that begin infiltrating homes is mice. These rodents begin looking to nest up in warm homes where they can have babies. Broken Arrow is no different from other metro cities here in the Tulsa area. We have many new neighborhoods being built which disturbs the mice and their natural habitats, forcing them to move into homes that now are built where fields once were. Broken Arrow Pest Control Services may be necessary.

EnviroTech offers Broken Arrow and the metro areas pest control services for pests such as spiders, ants, rodents, cockroaches, silverfish and numerous other household pests including optional rodent control. We recommend quarterly pest control service and offer these services for our clients with a plan that works for your schedule and budget. With regular quarterly pest control services your home can be a safer environment for your family, pets and visitors.

EnviroTech Exterminating also offers Green Pest Control Services for those that desire the Safest in pest control. Don’t let creepy crawly pests inhabit your home, call EnviroTech today. Visit us online at Broken Arrow Pest Control for current pest control specials and for more information.

EnviroTech Exterminating Broken Arrow, Oklahoma Got Pests? Call (918) 282-7621

EnviroTech Exterminating is locally owned and operated in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma.

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